You're Favourite Animu Evar

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    If it’s easy for you to list an all-time favorite show, I’m pretty jealous. For me, I’d rather pick a favorite from each genre since my enjoyment often depends on my mood.

    Mushi-shi for chillin’
    Noein for head-scratchin’
    Now and Then, Here and There for storytellin’
    Clannad/Clannad After for feels
    Darker Than Black for ass-kickin’
    Bokura ga Ita for the drama

    …et cetera. I’m admittedly several “seasons” behind, but that’s the bummer about having very little free time!


    I’ve watched too many animes to have a favorite. I’m always looking for more to check out though.

    If you like psychological anime, I’d recommend Death Note.
    WATAMOTE is a great comedic anime.
    For a smart anime that still includes good action, Code Geass works wonderfully.
    As we’re here thanks to Undead Darlings, I feel like I should recommend something with zombies… but I sadly can’t think of one that has the same charm.


    Hahaha. Very few anime use the zombies as main characters. There was that one, Sankarea, but it leaned more toward the dark/creepy side of things.

    Highschool of the Dead is a pretty fun anime romp through the zombocalypse, but it requires some fanservice acceptance to truly enjoy.


    I’ve seen Highschool of the Dead; good show with great characters, but you’re certainly correct about it having a lot of fanservice. A little is fine, but every few episodes I found myself unable to think about anything other than how Shizuka’s spine should be destroyed by her figure. Lucky for me, Undead Darlings’ cast has plenty of cuties without going overboard.


    Wrapping up Pet Girl of Sakurasou. Was expecting some light fanservice fluff, but what I got was a show that dives into the maddening spiral of hard work, hoping for better days, and then the crushing reality that sometimes your failures have absolutely nothing to do with you or your efforts.

    …It’s a much better show than I expected. 10/10 would relate to again.


    Really? I’ve been avoiding that anime because it just looked like more fanservice. I suppose that’s what I get for judging something by its cover.


    You and me both. Not that I have anything against fanservice (To Love-Ru is my guiltiest of pleasures); I just want it to stay in its own genre instead of bleeding into literally every title ever.

    There’s some in the first few episodes of Pet Girl, but it tapers off pretty fast and turns into “dat drama.”


    To Love-Ru… Another series I’ve never seen, but that one I know is all about fanservice. Still, we all have our guilty pleasures.


    Tough call! Dunno if I’ve a favorite overall, but I’ll toss out several titles I roundly enjoyed:

    The Pet Girl of Sakurasou
    Puella Magi Madoka Magica
    The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
    Lucky Star
    Outlaw Star
    Cowboy Bebop
    Kill la Kill
    BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo


    Ah, Puella Magi Madoka Magica. An excellent anime that did a great job of looking innocent at first and then revealed its true glorious nature.


    I can count the number of anime I have watched on one hand (don’t crucify me plz D= )
    DBZ (I only like DBZ Abridged XP)
    Bleach (it was good to start with…)
    Hellsing Ultimate (T’is pretty bad ass, low re-watch value)
    and… uh…. uhm… Oh right…
    One Punch Man (Been watching this recently, t’is awesome!)
    and that is all……………
    Maybe someone can recommend something for me? XP


    Hey StomachGod, welcome!
    No sweat on not watching much anime 😉
    My tendency to watch it comes and goes… I end up watching ridiculous stuff like NCIS on Netflix (if you approach that show as a live-action anime and not as anything realistic, it’s…kind of fun…)

    But I do have a suggestion based on the list you offered!!
    It’s called Claymore. It’s mostly ladies, but not fanservicey at all. I really, truly enjoyed almost that entire series…but it is crippled by its ending, like so so so so many anime based on unfinished manga. That said, whew, it’s a fun watch!

    I’ve got to check out One Punch Man… Sounds like a lot of good times!


    Yay no crucifixion! I LIVE!!! (for now)
    NCIS… like… the tv show? coz thats a pretty awesome show, but its definitely not anime XP (Though they only played 6 episodes on TV for me this year! D=< )

    Claymore… I have heard of that anime, I may have to try watching it sometime… Your description makes it sound vaguely like Bleach tho, fun to watch to start with but then a really lame ending… But Bleach manga was actually “finished” at that point in time, so no excuses really XP

    I suppose I should qualify my previous post with the note that I have tried to watch several other anime but didn’t find any of them interesting (naruto, one piece, fairy tale, attack on titan, and a couple of others). I may potentially be kinda picky about these things XD
    (At the same time if I really like something I will re-watch it near endlessly, One Punch Man currently holds that status for me XD)


    I oughta sample One Punch Man someday. It sounds like BoBoBo, which I found to be tons of fun. Plenty of folks loathe that show, which confuses but does not irk me. =S

    I miss Lucky Star; I’ll tell you that right now. I could sit in front of this monitor and listen to Konata blab about otaku idiosyncrasies, while Kagami irately snaps back at her, and Tsukasa stares blankly at both with iris-less eyes, endlessly.

    Le sigh. Now I’mma re-read/watch Lucky Star. There goes my Vita time. Rawr.


    Be jealous, NickyD – for me, Your Lie in April. I was an Arima once, maybe my mother not as bad as his but. And who wouldn’t love Kaori, her enthusiasm and love of life, even though you know from the first ep how it’s gonna finish.

    Right ow, I’m motoring through Stein;s;Gate.

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