Neato Localization Interview at DailyDPad!

tsukarechan_smugHi again! Sooo today, I wanted to let everyone know that there's a cool new interview about Undead Darlings and other super interesting localization process tidbits over at!

It was in German first, but they were kind enough to also post the English version. Yay, them! This sort of stuff is really fun to read, and NickyD seems to really enjoy talking about it… Anyway, please check it out!


The Great Localization Q&A

tsukarechan_smugHiya, everyone! A while back, NickyD answered some questions about localization (and the Hyperdimension Neptunia games) over on the Niche-Gamer forums. It started out as kinda specific to stuff he did, but he went on to talk about the entire process that was practiced where he used to work. It's pretty interesting, so I wanted to take it and post it here, too!!!!

It's a long read, but it's totally worth a look if you're interested in the game industry, publishing, translating, and/or localization. Thaaaaaanks~


Read moreThe Great Localization Q&A

Pardon Our Website’s Surgery

Hiya, everyone! I'm trying to play around with the website so everyone can subscribe, login, and post on our forum called "The Dungeon." I don't get it…

Anyway, we needed a new website theme that gives us a visible sidebar that you can use to login, register, or get a password reminder thing. It should work, but I'm not a web designer, so I dunno if it's all that pretty.

Go ahead and try! We won't know how to fix anything that's broken otherwise!