Character Profile Series #01: Pearl Moira

Pearl_Z_neutralWelcome to the first character profile entry! Let's start with the basics, shall we? After working on well over a dozen retail anime releases at a former employer, we have become pretty accustomed to seeing a lot of arbitrary information and “stats” for each character in a show or game. We have recreated that experience here with Pearl’s basic stats! Let’s take a look and then examine why they are what they are!

Basic Stats
Blood type: O+
Height: 5’6” (~168cm)
Weight: 49kg

Read moreCharacter Profile Series #01: Pearl Moira

Character Profile Series #00: Forward Foreword

FBMockup2Welcome to the pre-first installment of the Undead Darlings ~no cure for love~ character profile series! Before we dig into who Pearl is, what makes her tick, and a few screenshots from her different event scenes, we want to very briefly chat about why we’ve started this series in general.

The first reason is pretty straightforward—we reached out to see if anyone had any suggestions or desires when it came to the sorts of things we would write updates about. While we only received a few responses (only natural when you’re still getting started like we are), they work well together. Both screenshots and information about the characters were noted, and these two things can be incorporated in a character profile series!

The second reason is a bit of an internal one—information about the different girls is currently spread out across four different documents. This provides us an awesome opportunity to amalgamate those into a single spot, which will help us should we ever need to refer to a character’s background or related info. I posted this image before, but the blue binder has printouts of all these documents. Not the most efficient way to keep character info, really.

This image again?!

There is a third reason, but mentioning it might make us seem too business-y. Oh well! Our other posts, while interesting and informative to those curious about the game development process, did not contain enough “complete” visual elements or interesting tidbits/headline potential for media outlets to report on for gamers in general. The concern that was expressed to us from more than one place was that readers may react negatively to an incomplete game that does not yet look shiny and gorgeous. This series may give more sites the confidence to post about our game and its characters!

Okay, enough piercing of the veil. Let’s get on with the real reason why we’re here—to learn about Pearl Moira, who is Reginald P. Happenstahnce’s childhood friend. Check back after the clock passes the Midnight Hour!