Ashtrays, Muzak, and the Character Profile Series!

Meets and greets to all y'all Undead Darlings out there. Hope you've had a good weekend and that this week is off to a stellar start! Okay, obligatory opening complete. Let's get to the nitty gritty kitty litter, shall we?

Another week, another new enemy design to whet your whistle. We wanted to have a type of sentient ashtray, but we also wanted it to have a sense of the fantastic. What our talented enemy designer came up with was an enemy that could have been in the Dragon Quest series if only he wasn't a smoker. Can't win 'em all, King Ashtray. Take a gander below. Take special note of the one menthol cigarette; this could be considered an homage to some of our friends.

kingashsmallThis might end up as a more "advanced" form of this enemy, with earlier incarnations being nothing but the head portion. As the virus plague spreads, perhaps he grows arms, legs, and a dandy sense of fashion. Perhaps he stole those shoes from different Monopoly® boards. This could be conversation fodder for a sub-event!

What else… Ah yes, our battle system has been updated to incorporate the spoils/loot system that makes every dungeon crawler a romp and a riot. The below screenshot also shows the temporary visuals for the EXP/leveling system. We may use different boxes in the end product, but for now these do the trick! Everyone loves carrrots and happy fun balls! Wink!


In other news, we received an early rough cut of our battle music track. It's pretty rockin' and very much in line with what you'd hear in a JRPG; the closest parallel we can make is the music from the Ys games, which we hesitate to make only because the music is incredible in those games and we don't want to overhype. Essentially, it's rock for rock's sake; cheesy, unadulterated guitar solos with some keyboard and orchestral hits. It'll be great and once we have a master cut, we'd love to share it with you and your earholes.


If you follow us on Twitter (@UndeadDarlings), you might've seen that we'll begin a character profile series starting this Saturday. What this will entail is basically a more in-depth look at each member of the game's main cast, including screenshots from different events with them as the focal point. The first subject will be the main character's childhood friend, Pearl Moira. She's a peach–or is she? Nah, she is.

Thanks for stopping by! We'll have more updates next week, so let's keep the ball rolling. Tell your friends, family, pets, enemies, trolls, inanimate carbon rods, or anyone else you want about Undead Darlings–if this game is to succeed, we will need YOUR help to grassroots this thing!