Going to the Mall with your Undead Darlings

Another week, another update with plenty of progress! We were a bit worried that we wouldn't have anything to show in time, which is why this update is running a bit late, but forsooth! We do indeed have a couple more 3D object assets: a round version of last week's square clothing display table and an in-progress draft of storefront signage, and even a brand-new enemy design! Here's a shot of the two tables side-by-side in our debug dungeon. Please forgive the jaggies; this is because I was screwing around with the camera and scale and whatnot in Unity. They look really good when an actual pro sets them up!

sorryjaggiesOn their own, they are a bit lonely, but soon the tables will be covered in clothing items and placed in a shopping mall storefront, with signage hanging above the entryway. What makes the signage cool is that each letter can be moved independent of one another, meaning that we are free to make some letters crooked or falling down. Maybe even missing entirely! It gives us a lot of design freedom when placing them in the dungeon itself, which really speaks for the creative foresight of our 3D artist–so props to him! *clap, clap, clap*

signageOne major development is that our original enemy designer has had to move on. He is in high demand in some related fields and it makes complete sense for him to make this move! That said, he did recommend a fellow artist to us who we are signing on to handle the remainder of the enemy designs (that is to say, like, 80% of the enemy designs). He's an extremely talented guy and we know we're in good hands with him. Heck, why don't you see for yourselves? We got our first new enemy design in and it gave us quite a smile this morning. Let us present: the breadbowl monster! Bradbowl? Beardbowl? Chadbowl? Clancy? We thought the pea soup was an excellent creative choice.

BreadBowlEnemyIn other news, our battle system has incorporated an Experience system, so now players can at long last gain EXP and levels. That's another step forward! Musically, we have some tracks being composed as we type this; depending on how smooth the process goes, we may have some tunes ready for your ears to sample in at most, a couple of months. The script is also coming along quite nicely, with only a few key scenes left before moving on to sub-events and database items.

Thanks for stopping by, everyone! See you next week!

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