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  • in reply to: Are we still alive? 8O #731

    You know it.

    Sort of between a rock and a hard place at the moment, twiddling my thumbs and waiting on vendor quotes from a couple of places. Some contract workers became unavailable for a little bit, so it’s just me continuing to put together the parts of the game that I’m capable of putting together (visual novel scenes, mostly).

    A bit of a bummer since I thought I’d have a dungeon built by now, but it seems my settings in Unity compared to the 3D artists’ settings are pretty wacky. Until he’s available, I can’t in my right mind post more screenshots if I’m not using his work the way it’s meant to be used/seen.

    Battle system is ongoing, no major issues besides all the work being “under the hood,” so it’s not anything that can come across in a screenshot or short video >_<

    in reply to: Are we still alive? 8O #728

    Still alive and undead!
    Sorry, I lose track of all the places I need to visit XD

    in reply to: Tabletop games? #711

    Cool! While I can’t advocate for procuring things illegally, I think it’s cool that a lot of tabletop stuff can be enjoyed by those who may not own a big table (hi!).

    I haven’t dived into this realm of gaming, but it’s interested me for quite some time. There are some cool coffee shops in Seattle here where you can rent/borrow a tabletop game and play it right there. Might do that someday 😀

    in reply to: Youtubers and Streamers #702

    Awesome Shawn, thank you.
    Channel size doesn’t matter to me, so bring ’em on 😀
    As Ryan used to say at NISA about giving review codes to smaller sites: “You never know who’ll explode in popularity, so give everyone a fair shot.”

    in reply to: Prefundia Page Semi-live #681

    lol unexpected…you’re telling me! I sent them an email asking questions and I got an approval back XD
    Sure, I may have hit the submit button and backed out real quick after I sent the email, but… Okay, it’s probably my fault.

    Thanks for your support, as always!

    in reply to: Pancakes! \OuO/ #661

    Definitely syrup and bacon. I know the whole BACON OMG thing is played out, but there’s a reason it happened in the first place. Delicious.

    in reply to: Old Games #660

    Alpha Protocol!!! That was a very good game, definitely got overshadowed from similar titles launching at almost the same time. I remember that upgrading your melee skills would make Alpha Protocol a lot easier, something that is apparently just as present in Fallout 4. Guess which game got scored negatively for this and which one got a pass?

    I digress.

    Hehehe, Jazz Jackrabbit. A bit before its time I think, but it reminds me of the Bucky O’Hare game on the NES. Absolutely amazing game despite being a licensed title. Check it out if you’ve never played it! I heartily recommend it as an old, semi-obscure game 😀

    in reply to: Old Games #655

    Oh, double-posting for fun.

    I’ve gone back and started a whole new game of Dragon’s Dogma (after hitting level Infinity and getting, like, all of the things) and y’know, it’s still one of the best games I played on PS3. Whatever those guys did, they did it well. So if your “old game” phase gets you to 2013… Please give DD: Dark Arisen a sincere shot. It’s the most recent game to hit my personal “top 5” of all-time. Much love for DD. I annoy my friends with it.

    in reply to: Old Games #654

    Hehehe. It’s an interesting trend, to be sure. I’d like to say we’ll offer a genuinely new experience — it’ll just be wrapped in a familiar Japanese anime/visual-novel/JRPG shell? I guess not many Western devs try to create such a very Japanese game, unless you go back to the DS and play Black Sigil (it was buggy, but it was a great “JRPG” developed over here) or pick up Pier Solar; I’d include Hunie Pop as well, but I don’t want anyone to mistakenly think we’re making an “H” game.

    in reply to: What can we do to help? #594

    Hahaha. For our splash screen image (where a game company’s logo appears when you start a game), we want to have someone yawning really loud for Mr. Tired Media. Annoying ftw?!

    in reply to: One-liners? #592

    StomachGod hit the nail on the head in a lot of respects, methinks. “Sheep will be sheep” is sort of like how I’d say “it’s easier to hop on the bandwagon and find acceptance–no matter the group–rather than give your own opinion.”

    I’ve personally come under fire for decisions made by myself and a group of people, and two companies, as if I were the sole heretic to be burned on a pyre. I bet most of the people parroting things have no idea where it stems from, the process behind any of the decisions, etc. etc. It’s all to fit in with a group of people; online or offline, people have group mentalities and enjoy knowing they can go somewhere and feel safe/protected. I can’t fault them for that, so if I somehow indirectly cause others to feel included and it prevents them from acting out and/or doing something more harmful, then cool. 🙂

    Also, the MM2 Wily Stage 1 song is the best. In that game. The Castlevania Stage 3 song is the best. In that game. 😉 The final boss track in DDS2 is the best in that game, so on and so forth. Blanket statements are terrible; music in games is far more complex than “game music.” It’s like comparing a pop song to doom metal. Keep comparisons within their genre, folks!! <- Also an opinion.

    in reply to: Update Suggestions #585

    Hi pixelsheep, welcome!

    I’ve enjoyed the newer Wizardry titles as well. What was it, Labyrinth of Lost Souls on PS3…? A pretty small title, all things considered, but it was a good taste of what Wizardry’s about for folks who’ve never played them before. Still have to get my hands on Persona Q (thanks for the $10 tax on all your games, Atlus…). They do tend to put their games on sale fairly often, so perhaps when next it gets a nice discount I’ll spring on it!

    Our minimap is designed and it’s pretty cute; being a minimap, I wouldn’t call it mind-blowing though, haha. Once I get some wall/floor/ceiling textures and can put part of a dungeon together for a set of screenshots, I’ll be sure to have the minimap running as well! Great suggestion, thank you.

    As for other characters… Well, kinda like the first Hyperdimension Neptunia title on PS3, NPCs aren’t going to have any associated artwork unless it’s mentioned as a stretch goal suggestion on our Prefundia page (coming soon!) by folks a whole lot. Since it’s zombie trope central, there aren’t a whole lot of other people you run into over the course of the game. The main guy who has his own ending is Buck Wampum, who’s gonna be talked about in the next Character Profile Series update.

    Hmm… Zomboys, huh? Well, I mean, aren’t sequels all about expanding on things and drawing in a wider audience? 😉
    Let’s hope we get the opportunity to make that happen!

    in reply to: What can we do to help? #581

    All I can offer to you as suggestions for now is to help get the word out; tell friends, anyone you know who frequents forums that talk about games, et cetera.

    Once the Prefundia page is live (mid-January, I estimate) we’ll have a much more in-depth way for everyone to put their two cents in!

    And while it’s probably really unprofessional of me to say, if you happen upon anyone speaking ill of Mr. Tired, Undead Darlings, or me personally…invite them to come talk here for some polite discourse. There are so many misunderstandings and exaggerations out there (some still think this is a hentai game from Japan!!), and while I know people never believe anything they hear online (or at least, anything that they don’t already agree with), it’s almost a no-brainer to come ask the source of something for confirmation or denial. Plus, detractors tend to ask the most hard-ball questions; I love those!

    in reply to: Merry Christmas! \OoO/ #580

    Yay! A belated “you too”!
    I’ve been in the mountains of Pennsylvania without cell or Internet service, so pardon my brief popping in and out. Just wanted to wish you and all those who may come here and read anonymously a very Merry Christmas, happy holiday season, and a happy New Year.

    2016 is going to be Undead Darlings’s birth year, if all goes well 😀

    in reply to: Games And Stuff #579

    Predominantly JRPGs. I also love fast-paced action games like Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry…
    Oh, third-person shooters like Uncharted, third-person action like Bloodborne. It might be easier to talk about the game genres I don’t like… XD

    -Not the biggest fan of sports games, including racing (although I’ve tried to get into stuff like Gran Turismo, it just doesn’t click for me)
    -While I play first-person shooters, I can’t say I’m very good at them — and the competitive focus of many such titles turns me off. I get too nervous and sweaty-palmed XD Props and respect to the really good competitive multiplayer gamers; that’s definitely a skill that I lack.
    -Fighting games are fun, but again, once it goes online or against others… I can’t handle the awesomeness of many “pro” fighters. Offline is best for me, haha.

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